For the People Act of 2021

Floor Speech

Date: March 2, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections


Mr. BIGGS. Madam Speaker, the majority leader just said: Everything we do depends on this bill.

I guess he is right because the Democrats are trying to tip the scales of elections to their party. Besides giving the uni-party in the swamp power, funding politicians with taxpayer dollars, and preventing the use of voter identification laws, Democrats will prevent ballot harvesting and mandate nationwide mail-in balloting, which Jimmy Carter himself said is a recipe for fraud.

Madam Speaker, Democrats are so enamored of power, it appears that they want to legalize cheating in elections. If that isn't enough for you, they want 16-year-olds to be able to register to vote, as well as felons and illegal aliens to be able to vote. What could possibly go wrong?

Madam Speaker, while most in the country have some doubt as to the integrity of our elections across both parties, my colleagues across the aisle want to ensure we never have an honest election again.

This bill is a dubious path on which to embark. If we do not stop it again, it will become increasingly difficult to depart to a better road that actually restores trust in America.

Madam Speaker, when I hear the argument of voter suppression, I say we had more voters in the last election for President than ever--more than ever. This bill is a monstrosity. It is a waste. It is unnecessary. I urge people to vote ``no.''

